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What procedures fall under restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry includes regenerating and restoring the missing tissue structure, either with a filling, buildup, or crown. These are the procedures that are considered restorative.

How does a dentist determine if restorative dentistry is necessary?

The necessity for restorative dentistry depends on the dentist's experience, the materials available, and the patient's preferences. We explain to the patient the risks, advantages, and benefits of each procedure and guide them in their decision.

How are cosmetic and restorative dentistry different?

Cosmetic dentistry is chosen when your smile is not what you want or your teeth are discolored. Restorative cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, is when people have small teeth and their face is disproportionate to their teeth. In this case, we restore it.

What would disqualify me from being eligible for restorative dental prosthesis?

Eligibility depends on the tooth structure that is compromised or missing. If there is an area that has a crack or presents a danger to the tooth, this would necessitate restorative dentistry.

What are restorative dental procedures?

Restorative dental procedures include fillings, crowns, and crown buildup.

What materials are used in restorative dentistry?

The materials used in restorative dentistry include composite, glass ionomer, amalgam fillings, zirconia crowns, Emax crowns, and gold.

What are the outcomes and benefits of restorative dentistry?

The key benefit of restorative dentistry is that it saves the tooth. This means you retain the tooth in your mouth for as long as you live. People with their natural teeth tend to live longer and are less prone to depression.

How can recovery times vary after a restorative dental procedure?

Recovery times depend on addressing and taking care of any dental problems as soon as possible and detecting them. This ensures the success of the procedure.

Are restorative dental procedures painful?

No, patients are made numb for the procedure. The part that is most challenging for most of our patients, like everyone, is the injection that causes the numbness.

How can I schedule a dental exam?

You can Google San Leandro Dental Studio or call us at (510) 969-8510 to schedule a dental exam.

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